Pictured at the signing are Jim Palmer, Technical Director EPS and Mark Callanan, Irish Water
EPS Awarded Contract for Upgrade to Castleblaney WwTP
EPS have been awarded the contract for a significant upgrade to Castleblayney Wastewater Treatment Plant in County Monaghan.
The existing Castleblayney WwTP was constructed in 1983. The plant is a conventional extended aeration type plant. An upgrade of the WwTP is now required in order to achieve compliance with the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive, the EPA Waste Water Discharge Licence (WWDL) for the plant and the relevant requirements of the Water Framework Directive.
Due to it’s age, much of the plant’s mechanical and electrical (M&E) infrastructure also requires upgrading.
This contract will involve the design, construction, testing and commissioning of:
- Upgrades and modifications to the existing WwTP with a design PE for the upgrade works of between 7600PE to 14000PE depending on the element of the works and the condition of the existing infrastructure
- Approximately 180m of new 900mm diameter sewer from the existing Muckno St. pumping station (PS) to the new inlet PS on the WwTP site
- A new access road to the WwTP site, approximately 180m long from the R181 near the existing Muckno PS to the northern side of the WwTP site
- Connection of 5 existing network PSs to the proposed WwTP SCADA system
- The operation of the existing WwTP for the duration of an interim operation service period
- The decommissioning of existing wastewater treatment infrastructure on the WwTP site, the existing Muckno PS and other combined sewers
The Operation Service of the contract provides for the operation and maintenance of the WwTP for 1 year after the issue of the Commissioning Certificate.
The project will take approximately 18 months to complete.