Valve Tower
- Utility
About Valve Towers and Service Resevoirs
As part of a major programme of reservoir improvements across Northern Ireland to refurbish and enhance the safety of the impounding reservoirs, DPS were tasked with completing various works at 8 locations.
Delivery of clean, safe drinking water is an essential service and underpins the public health and economy of Northern Ireland. In order to meet the demand during droughts and unplanned events it is essential that drinking water is stored and this is done in large natural storage facilities known as reservoirs.
Generally, there are towers located off the dam front called a valve tower, which are used to “draw-off” water in stages and manage the levels within the reservoir whilst sending water to the water treatment works as required.
Locations of various works by DPS
- Altmore
- Craigahulliar
- Dunalis
- Quolie Lower
- Quolie Upper
- Seagahan
- Silent Valley
- Spelga Dam
DPS & BSG Civil Engineering
DPS are proud to support NI Water wherever possible in providing drinking water to serve the people of Northern Ireland.
As wastewater and water infrastructure specialists – mechanical servicing, repair and installation company in Northern Ireland, DPS once again partnered with BSG Civil Engineering to deliver this project for NI Water.
DPS carried out significant upgrade, repair and maintenance works across the 8x reservoir sites; including installation of new access bridges, valve upgrades, pedestal movements to better assist operations, new flooring installation and refurbishment of existing equipment.
DPS successfully delivered the works at each site, including testing and commissioning whilst keeping the reservoirs live nd during challenging environments and times as a result of drought, demand etc.