Restaurant & Campsite Water Treatment

Customers original request & our ability to select the correct solution

We were approached by the customer as they had recently switched from mains to a borehole water supply for their complete complex, and were finding water quality issues with the borehole water.

This was especially an issue in the restaurant kitchen and campsite showers where the water was being heated and was causing staining of cookware & showers. 

A water sample was taken and sent to a fully independent laboratory for water quality testing.
After analysing the laboratory results, a suitable Water Treatment solution was selected.

Shepherds Restaurant


Campsite Water Treatment




Project Value

Shepherds Restaurant


Campsite Water Treatment




Project Value

Process Description & Equipment Supplied

As the borehole water contained calcium carbonate (hardness) turbidity & iron, it was decided that a multi-purpose ion exchange media be selected followed by UV treatment to kill any bacteria

Stage 1: Chemistry Treatment

13×54 Duplex Water Treatment Unit c/w Clack CI volumetric Valve control, Motor

Alternating valve & 200 Litre Brine Tank

Service flow rate: 2.2m3/hr
Backwash flow rate: 1.2m3/hr
Capacity @ 158ppm: 12.7m3
Salt use per regen: 6.2Kg

Stage 2: Bacteria Treatment (preventative)

Sterilight VH410 High Output UV Disinfection unit
20” Big Blue Filter Housing c/w 5 micron pre-filter & bracket etc.

The system has proved itself to be reliable in solving the problem and bringing the water to drinking standard and means that the client can continue using the borehole water resulting in significant savings on using mains water.

Stage 1: Chemistry Treatment

13×54 Duplex Water Treatment Unit c/w Clack CI volumetric Valve control, Motor

Alternating valve & 200 Litre Brine Tank

Service flow rate: 2.2m3/hr
Backwash flow rate: 1.2m3/hr
Capacity @ 158ppm: 12.7m3
Salt use per regen: 6.2Kg

Stage 2: Bacteria Treatment (preventative)

Sterilight VH410 High Output UV Disinfection unit
20” Big Blue Filter Housing c/w 5 micron pre-filter & bracket etc.

The system has proved itself to be reliable in solving the problem and bringing the water to drinking standard and means that the client can continue using the borehole water resulting in significant savings on using mains water.

Download our PDFs here:

Restaurant & Campsite Water Treatment
Case Study